Arader Galleries

Mini panorama of San Francisco after Muybridge

$ 8,500.00

Louis Glaser after Eadweard James Muybridge
Mini Panorama of San Francisco after Muybridge
San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft and Co. and Witteman Brothers, 1880
Photolithograph images on glossy paper
29" x 35" framed

Views of San Francisco, a souvenir pamphlet of photolithographic plates from 1880, includes a
miniature rendition of the brilliant eight foot long panoramic scene of San Francisco first published
in 1877 by Eadweard Muybridge. The souvenir book was published by A.L Bancroft and Co. and
by the Witteman Brothers, who owned the copyright for all Louis Glaser’s Souvenir Albums. Also
included in this souvenir book are twelve architectural prints of important government and social
institutions. While Louis Glaser himself remains a mystery, his innovative technique adds a varnished,
illusion of depth to his work not found in lithographs. He achieved this effect through the
process of using a series of stones laid down with separate shades of oil-based inks ranging from
white to light sepia-grey to the darkest sepia-grey or black.

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