Arader Galleries

Plantae Selectae

$ 1,500.00

Georg Dionysius Ehert

Plantae Selectae
Nuremberg: 1750-1773
Hand-colored copperplate engravings

George Dionysius Ehert is considered the most important botanical artist of the mid-18th century. Born to poor farmers in Heidelberg in 1708, Ehert showed an early propensity for drawing, though as a young man he was employed primarily as a gardener. Having drawn the attention of noted botanical artist Johann Weinmann and noted Nuremberg physician Dr. Christoph Jakob Trew, he gained support and financial support for his work.
In 1736, he met eminent botanist Carl Linnaeus, and moved to England where he remained for the duration of his life. As instructor to the hightest of English nobility, he then engaged in his publication of Plantae Selectae. Various scholars of the time praised the folio highly singling out the excellent quality of Ehert’s studios.

Part of a collection