Pyne, William Henry

William Henry Pyne  (1769-1843)
From: The History of Royal Residences of Windsor Castle, St. James Palace, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Buckingham House and Frogmore...
London: 1819
Hand-colored aquatint engravings


William Henry Pyne was an English painter and artist. At an early age, Pyne showed a talent for drawing and painting. After exhibiting at the Royal Academy for a number of years, Pyne's interest turned to book production, and soon became connected with the London publisher, Ackermann. Pyne's finest work was a large, expensive volume entitled, "The History of the Royal Residences of Windsor Castle, St. James Palace, Carleton House, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Buckingham House and Frogmore... which was illustrated with 100 hand-colored aquatint engravings. The book had some success, but like many other great, illustrated books of the time, The History of the Royal Residences brought Pyne severe financial difficulties. As a result, Pyne spent much time in the King's Bench Prison.

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