Arader Galleries

Veduta della Piramide di C. Cestio

$ 650.00

Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Colonna dell'Imperatore Foca
Dimensions: 21.5" x 31"

Giovanni Battista Piranesi was an archaeologist, an architect and an engraver. With his sovereign mastery of graphic techniques and virtually superhuman powers of invention, he redefined the possibilities of the print medium as only Durer and Rembrandt had done before him. Generations after him would continue to imagine Ancient Rome as it is portrayed in his magnificent Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome) and Le Antichità Romane, from which this selection of images originates. Born in Venice, the son of a stone mason, he moved to Rome in 1745 to establish his own printing workshop to produce his architectural drawings. These particular prints from the Vedute di Roma series and Le Antichità Romane series are exemplars of Piranesi's clean, crisp style and dramatic use of light and dark. Even when depicting the crumbling structures of antiquity, Piranesi imbued his etchings with a sense of vitality and timelessness, demonstrating why Piranesi has remained one of the most enduring, creative etchers and artists of all time. These views are evocative examples of Piranesi's finest work.

Over the course of his time etching in Rome, Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) became obsessed with a few different monuments, which he returned to again and again as his style and interests evolved. The Pyramid of Cestius was one of these monuments.

The Pyramid of Cestius is not only one of the best examples of ancient Egyptian culture's influence on the Roman Empire but it is also one of the best-preserved buildings from the Imperial Period in general. It was built around 2000 years ago as a mausoleum for the magistrate and priest Caius Cestius and his family.