Kleiner, Salomon

Salomon Kleiner (1703-1761)

From: Vera et Accurata Delineatio Omnium Templorum et Coenobiorum, quae tam in Caesarea Urbe ac sede

Vienna Austriae Augsbourg: 1724-1737

Copperplate Engravings

13.25” x 19” Unframed

Salomon Kleiner was a 18th century German draughtsman and engraver known for his grand architectural views of Vienna. He was son of a court prosecutor and notary of the same name, his mother, Maria Rosina Roggin, who died shortly after his birth. At the age of about 15 he came to Augsburger. Since 1720 he lived in Vienna, where he began to paint monasteries, churches, buildings, streets and squares of the Imperial City commissioned by Johann Andreas Pfeff el (1674-1748) and Jeremias Wolff , whose engravings in a large-scale series of Viennese Veduten were published between 1724 and 1737.

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